Sunday Worship & Faith Formation ResourcesSunday, March 19, 2023 Fourth Sunday in Lent |
Worship Resources Celebrated in the Home
Scripture readings @ Peace for Sunday, March 19, 2023:
1 Samuel 16: 1-13 Psalm 23 Ephesians 5: 8-14 John 9: 1-41 |
Offering For Today's Worship
Give Online Now:
Text Giving:
Simply text the word "GIVE" to 833-205-2923 Complete giving information and credit/debit card details. Once complete, the information is securely saved for future gifts. You can easily give at any time by texting a simple number (ex. 250) and hitting send! Mobile App Giving:
Give by Mail:
Peace Lutheran Church
1147 S. Walnut Ave.
“ He said, 'Lord, I believe.' And he worshiped him. "
John 9: 38
Stewarding your soul may mean responding as the blind man in this week’s gospel lesson. Simply open your eyes to the experience of Jesus and his amazing love and mercy.
Family Faith Resources
Holy Week Worship Schedule
4/2 Palm/Passion Sunday - Join us @ 10am to enter the story of Jesus’ final week beginning with the triumphal entry and the waving of Palms. 4/6 Maundy Thursday - Join us @ 6:30pm for the Living Last Supper worship as we sit around the last supper table with Jesus and the disciples. 4/7 Good Friday - Join us @ 6:30pm for a Tenebrae worship commemorating Jesus’ death on the cross and the extinguishing of the light of the world. 4/8 Easter Vigil - Join us @ St. John’s Episcopal Church at (time TBD) in a service of light in expectation of dawn of Easter morn. 4/9 Easter - Join us @ 8am or 10am for the joy of Christ’s resurrection and Jesus’ victory over death. |
Seekers and Sponges Sunday Morning ClassMeeting @ 8:30AM In-person and Zoom Click HERE or the button below to join Seekers & Sponges by Zoom. Seekers and Sponges has started a new five part video series by Richard Rohr called 'Embracing an Alternative Orthodoxy'. In this series, Richard Rohr explores five topics central to Franciscan theology and practice: 1. Atonement Theory Each session starts with a video and then our class will discuss reflections from the talk. Our discussions are lively and bring out various perspectives about how faith impacts our lives. Please join us in the multimedia classroom at the end of the hallway. Your faith walk will be deepened as a result! Click HERE to join by Zoom. For more infomation visit: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82402795078?pwd=Ri9semd2cFZTYndPSTQ2Y1VBZy9hUT09#success
Exploring the Bible TogetherZoom Bible Study every Tuesday from 6:30pm -7:30pm In our “Exploring the Bible Together” study, we meet by Zoom as a small group for about 45 minutes each week. Our study covers a wide range of topics, examining more closely the history, content, context, development, message, and interpretation of the Bible. As we do this, we grow in our understanding of the relevance and application of the Bible for our lives today. We have begun a new study series on the Gospel of Matthew. This church year the majority of our gospel readings will come from Matthew. It is a beautiful writing which shares the story of Jesus in a pwerful way. Anyone is welcome to join us - no experience with Bible study (or even the Bible) is necessary! Click here to join: Tuesday Zoom Bible Study |
Peace Nursery for Pre-school age children and youngerOpen for 10am Worship Service The nursery is currently open for the 10am Sunday service. All current volunteers have been certified to serve in this ministry. However, we need more volunteers to help keep the nursery up and running. If you are able to volunteer as a nursery worker, please contact Deacon Andrew for more details.
This week's flowers are given by:Tom & Cheryl Braaten In honor of Peace Lutheran Church |
Altar Flower Sign up
***Click the button below to donate altar flowers for worship services during 2023*** The 2023 altar flower sign up is posted on sign-up genius. These flowers are donated by members and friends of the congregation. If you want to donate flowers for a special occasion such as a birthday, anniversary or in honor or memory of a loved one, or simply to the “Glory of God!” sign up on sign-up genius or call Kathi Anderson 210-643-8855 and she will add your name. The arrangements from “Petals To Go” Florist in New Braunfels are $50 per arrangement. If we don’t have a sign up for any given week, we will use an artificial arrangement to fill in. To sign up for flower donations, click the button below or go to the sign up button at the bottom of Peace's homepage at peacenb.org For questions, please contact: Kathi Anderson (210) 643-8855, the Flower Coordinator for the Worship Team. For more infomation visit:
Media Booth Disciples
We now have full use of our new media booth which utilizes a sound technician, a livestream operator, and a powerpoint operator. To sign up to be one of the media booth technicians/operator, please click the button below to be redirected to our SignUpGenius. You can also sign up by clicking the link at the bottom of Peace's homepage @ www.peacenb.org If you would like to learn how to be a media booth technician/operator or you have any questions, please contact the Peace office at 830-620-0618. For more infomation visit:
Christ in Our Home Devotional BookletsApril - June 2023 The second quarter 2023 "Christ in Our Home" Devotional Booklets are now available for the months April through June. Printed copies of the booklets, along with the current issue of Living Lutheran magazine, are available in the Narthex. Augsburg Fortress offers an audio version which you may purchase by clicking HERE.
Three Expressions of the Church
We are part of one church body organized in three expressions — congregations, synods, and the churchwide organization. Each expression has its particular functions but all three together share a common mission of doing God’s work in the world and proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ. Together, they ensure a solid foundation of leadership, active involvement in communities, opportunities for dialogue and diverse perspectives, creative partnerships, and support for members and ministries of the ELCA.