Peace Weekly News eBlastWednesday, November 20, 2024 |
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Clerical Help NeededThursday, November 21, 2024 This Thursday (tomorrow), the office staff will prepare to close the office for Thanksgiving (Thursday 11/28 - Friday 11/29). If you are interested in helping with tasks such as stuffing envelopes and folding bulletins, please email Madison at office@peacenb.org or call the office at (830) 620-0618. |
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Sunday’s Preview – Jeremiah and the Word of the LordRead Jeremiah 36 This week we are focusing on the prophet Jeremiah. After many years of speaking on behalf of God, Jeremiah writes down the words. These words on burned, but God promises to etch them in the hearts of the people. For more infomation visit: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Jeremiah%2036&version=CEB
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Leading us in WorshipSunday, November 24, 2024 |
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Ecumenical Thanksgiving
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Mission Spotlight November 2024Angel Tree November’s Mission Spotlight will be Angel Tree. A dedicated offering will be collected on Sunday, November 24, 2024 to benefit our yearly Angel Tree recipients. The monies collected will go towards purchasing Christmas gifts for local children. Peace will be partnering with local charities to get gift wishes from 40 children in our area to provide them with gifts. Our Angel Tree will be in the Narthex with tags containing gift requests and recipient information including gender, age and sizes on the first Sunday of Advent, December 1st. Additional information will be available on tags of the Angel Tree. For more infomation visit:
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Office Closed for Thanksgiving
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Jordan’s Fundraiser
The grandson of Wil and Becky Voges, Jordan Tomerlin is presently in kidney dialysis 3 days a week. For more infomation visit:
Family Promise is Back!
It’s Family Promise time again! Sunday, December 8 through Saturday, December 14 marks our last rotation of 2024.
Volunteers are needed to help setup on Sunday, December 8, time to be determined by the church that our families are coming from. We have it on signup genius as 7 to 8 am, but that is just a guess, it could be after church.
Host shifts are 5:30 through 8pm. You greet our guests, eat with them, spend time and offer hospitality
Meal providers are asked to bring a meal for our guests, you can drop it off or stay and socialize and eat with our families. It can be homemade or from a local eatery, your choice. You will be provided with information on likes/dislikes and allergies.
Overnight hosts simply spend the night from 8pm to 6:30am.
If you would like to help but aren’t available this rotation, we need donations of nonperishable food snacks for grab and go breakfasts or lunches. These include but aren’t limited to granola, individual cereals, toaster pastries, fruit cups, juice boxes or small bottles, individual bags of chips, etc,
Signup is available through Signup Genius or the poster in the Narthex.
For more infomation visit: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A0D48ABA922AAFA7-50985143-family#/
Salvation Army Bell Ringers Needed!
You can show your support for the Salvation Army by signing up to be a bell ringer! Peace will be manning the kettle, and ringing the bell in front of Granzin’s Meat Market, 1644 Mc Queeney Rd, New Braunfels from 9am to 3 pm.
Signup sheet in Narthex or on line with SignUp Genius link..
Contact Karen Laughlin
For more infomation visit: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0F44AFA729A7F58-53449608-family
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Ellie Koester Memorial Service
We give thanks for the life of Ellie Koester who was given her resurrection life on November 11th. Her life was a witness to the love of Jesus in all places and to all people. A memorial service is pending. Please continue to pray for husband, Earl, and their family and friends as they mourn her loss and celebrate the gift of her life. A tentative memorial service time is scheduled for December 28th at Peace. |
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Christmas Tea
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Stewardship Drive: Grace in ActionWhat is Stewardship? Even though Commitment Sunday has come and gone, doesn’t mean it’s too late to share your pledge and identify your spiritual gifts! Click HERE for a video tutorial from Pastor Jake of our Stewardship Campaign and how to share your commitments for 2024 and understand your spiritual gifts. What is Stewardship? Stewardship - the conducting, supervising, or managing of something especially: the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one's care All we have is a gift that has been given to us by the grace of God. God is a generous gift-giver which includes our lives, families, faith, basic needs, money, work, relationships, and even purpose. For that we are called to live graciously and generously joining the God of grace. We are lifting up our stewardship campaign, Grace in Action, in which you are invited to explore the way God has entrusted you with spiritual gifts, so that you can offer and commission those gifts in service of the Lord. Please fill out our Spiritual Gifts Inventory HERE to help you clarify your gifts and for the church to help mobilize our community to fulfill God’s greater mission of love. A pledge card is available both online and at the church. You may also fill out your pledge card HERE by downloading it and emailing it to finance@peacenb.org or returning it to the church. |
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Peaceful Yoga in Fall 2024
Yoga (ALL levels), VIRTUAL Thursdays @ 5:30pm until further notice. Find the link and RSVP below. NO YOGA ON THANKSGIVING 11/28/2024 New students are always welcome. Scan the QR code or follow the link to RSVP. You will need to RSVP for each individual class at least 30 minutes before the class. Classes will be donation based ($10 recommended). --- What is Yoga? Yoga is a practice for healthy living. These classes will be beginner friendly -
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StewardshipJourney to Generosity: The Way of Jesus Nov. 24, 2024 Revelation 1:4b– Grace to you and peace from him who is and who was and who is to come. As did other New Testament writers, the author of Revelation blesses his readers with “grace” and “peace” of Christ. Truly, if we have Christ’s grace and peace in our hearts, we will find true contentment. |
God's StorytimeSunday Morning Worship with Our Children All Pre-K through Elementary grade children are invited each Sunday to join us for “God's Story”. This is our way of connecting God’s big story to their own stories at a level appropriate for young children. Together we dive into the scripture for the day using a variety of teaching resources. Our goal is to create a safe space for children to have meaningful conversations about God, Jesus, faith, and our everyday lives. “God’s Story” takes place during the scripture and sermon portion of our worship service (about 20-25 minutes). We meet in our Fellowship Hall, which is in visible proximity to our sanctuary and restrooms. The children are led by our wonderful team of trained and background checked adults from our congregation. |
Seekers & SpongesShort Stories by Jesus Sunday mornings @ 8:30AM in-person in Peace Conference Room and on ZOOM We are starting a new study on December 8-29 - "What Happens When We Die" Sundays, 8:30 am. In person and Zoom. This is a self-led group- We all learn from each other. In our class, everyone in our group becomes a teacher for one another, sharing experiences and perspectives that facilitates a respectful, enlightening approach to adult learning. Click HERE to join by Zoom. |
Faith Talkwith Pastor Jake Sunday mornings from 8:45 am—9:30 am Bring your coffee & snacks and join us for a time of weekly conversation together. Our focus will be learning basics about Christian faith, belief, and practice through a Lutheran lens. We want this to be an open time for questions and conversation—all questions are allowed and encouraged! Think of it like “Christianity 101”, designed both for folks who are newer to learning about the Christian faith, as well as for anyone who would like to deepen their understanding of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus in the world today. We look forward to seeing you! |
Mission, Vision, & ValuesLove God - Love People - Serve the World Mission (Why do we exist?) |
Peace Ministries
PEACE PRAYER MINISTRY: Did you make any resolutions for the New Year? Many of us have a desire to have a more intimate prayer life, so might I suggest carving out more time for prayer and reflection? Peace Lutheran Church has an active Prayer Ministry. We have an Email Prayer Chain, we have a Zoom “Sweet Hour of Prayer” Group that meets every Monday morning at 9:00 a.m. and we have a Prayer loom that is included in our Sunday morning prayers. I would like to welcome new members to join our email Prayer Chain and our Monday morning Prayer Group. We have experienced some amazing, answered prayers this year and we have given comfort to many of our members in their times of distress. Please consider being a part of our Prayer Ministry in this new year. You can email me at beckyvoges@yahoo.com for more information. Our weekly Prayer Group Zooms every Monday at 9:00 am via Zoom only. Click HERE to join by Zoom. We have a devotion, share prayer requests and pray over each request. The group is led by Becky Voges. If you would like to be a part of the group, please email Becky (beckyvoges@yahoo.com). All prayer requests will be kept confidential. Prayer Chain Requests - email Becky (beckyvoges@yahoo.com). PASTOR'S VIRTUAL CONVERSATION: TECH SUPPORT: |
Three Expressions of the Church
We are part of one church body organized in three expressions — congregations, synods, and the churchwide organization. Each expression has its particular functions but all three together share a common mission of doing God’s work in the world and proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ. Together, they ensure a solid foundation of leadership, active involvement in communities, opportunities for dialogue and diverse perspectives, creative partnerships, and support for members and ministries of the ELCA.
Technical DifficultiesHow to Access Past & Future Live Streams Technical difficulties happen! Here are options for watching previous services and how to watch them if difficulties arise in the future. Please email Madison at office@peacenb.org with any questions. How to watch the service live on Sundays (Peace Website):
How to watch the service live on Sundays (YouTube):
How to watch previous sermons:
How to watch previous worship services (in full):
Click on the video with the date of the service you would like to watch and enjoy! |