Peace Weekly News eBlastWednesday, June 1, 2022 |
Sunday Worship Service - Day of PentecostJune 5, 2022 10:00AM 10:00AM In-person in the Sanctuary and livestream For more infomation visit:
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Sunday's PreviewA Surprise Party Read Acts 2: 10-21 The Pentecost story is the wondrous awe-inspiring celebration of the Holy Spirit descending upon the apostles. God’s surprises were far from over after the empty Easter tomb. No, the surprising transformation of the fearful disciples into the bold proclaimers of the resurrected Christ, the church! God does the same for me and you; ordinary people who are led to share extraordinary grace to all the earth. Join us on Sunday for the surprise birthday of the church, and the gift of the Holy Spirit. |
Pentecost Fellowship MealSunday, June 5 after 10:00am Worship Service Our morning worship will be a celebration! The celebration will continue afterward with a meal. The Fellowship Ministry Team will provide the meal and all you must do is sit down and enjoy it! |
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Synod Assembly 2022June 10 - 12, 2022 We are a part of the Southwestern Texas Synod, 120 congregations throughout southwest Texas. The ELCA is comprised of 65 synods. Synod comes from a Greek word that means “walking together”. Each year the Synod gathers in its annual meeting to share stories of celebrations, elect new leadership, establish priorities in mission, learn and worship together, and gather the larger church to recognize we do indeed walk together in faith. This year’s assembly is June 10-12 in the New Braunfels Civic Center. Our voting members from Peace are Michael and Megan Wenzel, Pastor Jake, and Deacon Andrew. This year’s theme is: “Got Good News? Go With It!” The theme comes from Acts 8:26-40 in the story of Phillip and the Ethiopian Eunuch who is baptized and hears the story which transform his life. For more information, you may visit www.swtsynod.org/pages/assembly. A special blessing to Bishop Sue Briner, the synod staff, and the Southwestern Texas Synod as we live out what it means to be God’s church together. |
Family Promise of Greater New BraunfelsPeace Host Week: July 3 - July 9 Daily volunteers needed for the following: Interested in volunteering? See Schedule @ https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E49A9A82CABFEC52-family Have not attended a Family Promise Training? Trainings will be hosted on both June 12th and 26th after 10:00am Worship Service. Not able to volunteer? We will also need donations of snacks and breakfast items. Please reach out to our Peace Lutheran Family Promise Team for more information at peacelutheranfp@gmail.com. Thank you! |
June Peace Day TrippersTuesday, June 16 @ 11:00am Let's have a brunch and play some bunco! At the home of Wil and Becky Voges: 1225 Loma Verde RSVP by Tuesday, June 14 @ 830-625-1666 |
Dr. Debbie CottrellGuest Preacher @ Peace We welcome Dr. Debbie Cottrell, the President of Texas Lutheran University, on June 19th in our 10am worship as she brings greetings from TLU. After serving as our guest preacher for the day, she will stay for a Q and A about TLU. We also welcome Bishop Sue Briner as our presider for the day as Pastor Jake is in the Holy Land. Dr. Debbie Cottrell is a native of Dallas, Texas. Prior to assuming the presidency of TLU in 2019, she served as Vice President for Academic Affairs at TLU for seven years. As president, she has led TLU in creating a new strategic plan that focuses on strengthening the student experience; diversifying academic programs; furthering a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion; enhancing financial stability; and creating strong community partnerships. In the presidency, Dr. Cottrell has drawn on her work as chief academic officer, particularly in the areas of facilities expansion and growth in sponsored research opportunities. Dr. Cottrell holds a bachelor’s degree from Baylor University and a master’s and Ph.D. in History from the University of Texas at Austin. Prior to attending graduate school, Dr. Cottrell taught middle school and worked as an editor at the Texas Historical Commission in Austin. Following completion of her Ph.D., she began her college teaching career at Cottey College in Missouri. She subsequently held administrative positions at Smith College in Massachusetts and William Peace University in North Carolina. Her scholarly interests are in the area of U.S. women’s history and the history of education, along with a distinct appreciation for regional history. Dr. Cottrell serves on the Board of the Independent Colleges and Universities of Texas (ICUT) and is active in numerous programs of the Network of ELCA Colleges and Universities (NECU) and the Council of Independent Colleges. Dr. Cottrell is married to a fellow historian, Dr. Alan Cottrell. They have one grown son, Andy, who lives in Boston. |
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Introducing Peace Lutheran Little PantryNow on display in the Narthex The Fellowship and Service Teams are introducing our new Peace Little Pantry! Have you ever seen the Little Libraries around town? Well, instead of sharing books, we will be sharing food and essential items. This will not replace the Food Banks, but will serve as a place where someone could get a bottle of water, a canned meat, a band aid, ... until they get the help they need. The Pantry is on display in the Narthex so you can see what it looks like. We are hoping to have individuals/families come forward to sponsor the pantry each month as their ministry. The Pantry will be permanently placed on a post in the front area of the church lawn in the next few weeks. We would like to have a ribbon cutting after that is completed, we will keep you posted. This is a gift of love to our neighborhood, it is also a leap of faith that God will provide all we need to answer God's call to care for our neighbors. Grocery donations are needed...non-perishable food items in small cans with ring tabs, small juice boxes, bottled water and personal hygiene items such as toothpaste, toothbrushes, bandaids....Please place your donations in the SOS Food Bank grocery cart in the Narthex. We will sort out the items that are suitable for the Little Pantry-- the rest will go to the Food Bank.
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SnapologyInteractive camp @ Peace this summer Snapology is an interactive camp meant to teach kids STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) skills through play. The program offers a wide variety of programs for children ages 5-14.... from fun LEGO-themed programs to robotics to engineering to animation. Peace is partnering with Snapology for the summer, hosting its programming efforts as an outreach to the community. This summer our Peace facilities will have kids utilizing the Fellowship Hall and Nursery areas from Monday—Friday. For a full schedule you may visit our calendar page: www.peacenb.org/pages/calendar For a detailed list of scheduling you may visit: https://pages.e2ma.net/pages/1924293/34150 or click HERE Camps run weekly (M-F) June 6th through August 19th. Half-day morning (9am -12pm) $159 per week |
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Summer VBS Day Camp @ Peace Lutheran ChurchMonday, June 20 - Friday, June 23, 8:30am to 3:30pm All children who have completed Kindergarten—5th grade are invited to join us at Peace Lutheran Church for a fun week of VBS adventures, led by camp staff from Camp Lutherhill. Our theme for the summer is COME AS YOU ARE! All are welcome at Jesus' table of grace, just as we are. No dress code, no prerequisites. Jesus invites all people to come. And when we break bread together, Christ is revealed in our midst.
Friends are welcome! This will be open to the community starting June 1st based on space remaining. For more information or if you would like to volunteer to help, please contact Deacon Andrew. |
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Exploring the Bible TogetherZoom Bible Study every Tuesday from 6:30pm -7:30pm In our “Exploring the Bible Together” study, we meet by Zoom as a small group for about 45 minutes each week. Our study covers a wide range of topics, examining more closely the history, content, context, development, message, and interpretation of the Bible. As we do this, we grow in our understanding of the relevance and application of the Bible for our lives today.
Summer Bible Study on The Apostle Paul: We invite you to journey with us this summer as we follow the Apostle Paul, learning about how the early church was planted and grew from a small sect within Judaism in the 1st century to our beloved faith practiced by billions of people through today. In May, we began a 16 week study of the Apostle Paul - the person, the missionary and the letter writer - based on the book, The Greatest Story: Paul (Augsburg Fortress), This study does not require you to purchase the book, but it is helpful.
Anyone is welcome to join us - no experience with Bible study (or even the Bible) is necessary!
Click here to join: Tuesday Zoom Bible Study
Peace Ministries
Seekers and Sponges: Sundays @ 8:30AM in-person and ZOOM Seekers and Sponges has completed its series, Luther: Gospel, Law, and Reformation. We are starting a new series, Triumph of Christianity, by Bart Ehrman. We will be meeting in the Fellowship Hall during May. Click HERE to join by Zoom. Sweet Hour of Prayer Group - meeting via Zoom, no in-person meeting Prayer Chain Requests - email Becky (beckyvoges@yahoo.com). Pastor's Virtual Conversation - ***we are taking a summer break and will resume meeting in August*** Stephen Ministers Tech Support |
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Peace Music MinistryVolunteers needed for Sunday Morning Music We are in need of 2 (two) singers to lead the congregation in singing during the Sunday morning worship service. We would also like to see people sign up to provide special music. This would entail preparing a special musical offering to share. This offering can be instrumental, bells, solo, duet, etc. Please provide the name of the music and all copyright information when signing up. The deadline to sign up is one week before the date of your performance. To sign up, you can visit our website and click on the Sunday Morning Music Button located at the bottom of the home page or click on the button below.
For more infomation visit:
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Media Booth Disciples
We now have full use of our new media booth which utilizes a sound technician, a livestream operator, and a powerpoint operator. To sign up to be one of the media booth technicians/operator, please click the button below to be redirected to our SignUpGenius. You can also sign up by clicking the link at the bottom of Peace's homepage @ www.peacenb.org If you would like to learn how to be a media booth technician/operator or you have any questions, please contact the Peace office at 830-620-0618. For more infomation visit:
Three Expressions of the Church
We are part of one church body organized in three expressions — congregations, synods, and the churchwide organization. Each expression has its particular functions but all three together share a common mission of doing God’s work in the world and proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ. Together, they ensure a solid foundation of leadership, active involvement in communities, opportunities for dialogue and diverse perspectives, creative partnerships, and support for members and ministries of the ELCA.