Peace Weekly News eBlastWednesday, February 2, 2022 |
Sunday Worship Service - Fifth Sunday after EpiphanyFebruary 6, 2022 @ 10:00AM Livestream and In person in the Sanctuary For more infomation visit:
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Sunday's Preview"Called" Read Isaiah 6:1-13 and Luke 5:1-11 Both scriptures are “call” stories. We get that name from the call of God who summons us into a life dedicated to something more than ourselves. Too often we try to self-actualize and find our own way in life. But the Christian is meant to listen to someone else’s call. Join us on Sunday morning as we hear this wondrous calling God has for you and for this community known as the church. |
COVID-19 Update
The Regional Hospitalization Percentage continues to rise - it was 19.43% as of 1/31. According to Peace's "COVID-19 Guidelines for In-Person Gatherings," revised in August 2021, if hospitalizations are greater than 15%: masks are required while inside the church facility, social distancing will be in effect, no physical contact for Sharing the Peace and individual Communion kits will be used. We will be following the aftementioned protoccols for Sunday, February 6. We continue to have online options for worship as well as in-person with sprecial precautions. View Peace's COVID-19 Protocols HERE. |
Evangelical Mission Endowment Fund
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Altar Flowers
We have numerous openings for altar flowers for Sundays during February/March. You can easily sign up on SignUpGenius. Thank you for your generosity! |
SOS Food BankCONTINUING NEED The Food Bank continues to need canned soups and vegetables. Donated cans can be placed in the SOS shopping cart in the Narthex. Or to make a monetary donation please visit the Food Bank's website at: sosfoodbankinc.org Thank you for your generosity! Peace Lutheran Church staffs the food bank the second Monday of every month. If you would like to volunteer, please contact: Carol or Martin Franz, (830) 708-9446 or email mcarolfranz@yahoo.com |
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Exploring the Bible TogetherZoom Bible Study every Tuesday from 6:30pm -7:30pm Who Is God?
Trying to answer this question is a lot like trying to take a sip of water out of a fire hydrant. Our human intellect cannot fully comprehend God, and our human language cannot adequately express our understanding of God. Yet, there are some helpful ways for us to approach this question that can give us some “handles” to grab on to.
We are approaching this question with humility and curiosity, and we welcome you to join our conversation. Anyone is welcome to join us - no experience with Bible study (or even the Bible) is necessary!
A helpful video to watch that we are using as a starting point for our discussion is God. There is also a great Podcast series on this topic that you can find here God Podcast Series.
Click here to join: Tuesday Zoom Bible Study
Peace Ministries
Seekers and Sponges: Sunday, February 6 - 8:30am in-person and ZOOM Click HERE to join by Zoom. Sweet Hour of Prayer Group - meeting via Zoom, no in-person meeting Pastor's Virtual Conversation Stephen Ministers Tech Support |
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Peace Music MinistryVolunteers needed for Sunday Morning Music We are in need of 2 (two) singers to lead the congregation in singing during the Sunday morning worship service. We would also like to see people sign up to provide special music. This would entail preparing a special musical offering to share. This offering can be instrumental, bells, solo, duet, etc. Please provide the name of the music and all copyright information when signing up. The deadline to sign up is one week before the date of your performance. To sign up, you can visit our website and click on the Sunday Morning Music Button located at the bottom of the home page or click on the button below.
For more infomation visit:
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Media Booth Disciples
We now have full use of our new media booth which utilizes a sound technician, a livestream operator, and a powerpoint operator. To sign up to be one of the media booth technicians/operator, please click the button below to be redirected to our SignUpGenius. You can also sign up by clicking the link at the bottom of Peace's homepage @ www.peacenb.org If you would like to learn how to be a media booth technician/operator or you have any questions, please contact the Peace office at 830-620-0618. For more infomation visit:
Three Expressions of the Church
We are part of one church body organized in three expressions — congregations, synods, and the churchwide organization. Each expression has its particular functions but all three together share a common mission of doing God’s work in the world and proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ. Together, they ensure a solid foundation of leadership, active involvement in communities, opportunities for dialogue and diverse perspectives, creative partnerships, and support for members and ministries of the ELCA.